Here's a... uh... a real beauty! A Little Little Brown Mug With A Wooden Handle From Kansas! Yup, it's tiny! How adorable. Look at... wow, man.What can we learn from this Little Little Brown Mug With A Wooden Handle From Kansas? Well, we know "sunflower" and "wheat", for starters. What can we extrapolate from this information? Well... hmmm. Breadbasket of the USA or something? Can that be it? I mean, like, all sorts of stuff can be learned, man. I mean, Have you ever REALLY LOOKED at one of these things, dude? I HAVE TWO OF THESE LITTLE LITTLE BROWN MUGS WITH WOODEN HANDLES FROM KANSAS. What was that? I seriously think I heard something, dude.
(edit: I'm sorry for the scattered nature of this post, I was on LSD when I wrote it!)